The Keystone Group Annual Sales Conference

Sales and marketing representatives across the Keystone Group presented their achievements of the year and projections for 2023 at The Keystone Group Annual Sales Conference.

With over one hundred employees in attendance, it was a fantastic networking opportunity for each brand to build connections and collaborate.

Our top sales performers were recognised for their outstanding achievements in 2022:

The Highest Quotations Increase award went to Kieran Coyle & Lee Morris

The Highest Quote Conversion of the year award went to Pat McGeer

The Most Improved Sales Area award went to Jonny Cox & Beth Holland

The Best Single Order award went to Vince Minnis Pike, Caroline Meredith, Scott Denham & Kieran Coyle

The Sales Person of the Year was presented and awarded to Jonny Cox, National Sales Manager at Smartroof.

Congratulations to all of our sales teams across the group.

…Let’s go 2023!


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